Why Gaahl went silent at the end of the Documentary True Norwegian Blackmetal

I know that some of you, or should I say all of you little pimply humans that have watched the Vice documentary True Norwegian Black Metal haven’t got the faintest Clue as to why Gaahl went silent when the interviewer asked him a question.

Since Nobody actually has the brains to figure this out. I have decided to just tell you. Without my help you are going to die of old age before you ever arrive at at any conclusion. And even If you did you would wind up being wrong anyway, and that is why you need my help.

Gaahl does not like leaders and Followers. He has made this very clear. Then he got asked the following question

“You’re one of the very view people who is worthy of the title of a Elite person.”

Gaahl replied that he was not focusing on what is being taught.

Unfortunately you still don’t get it. lucky im here to help you.

A worthy elite person is a superior person in a position of leadership or superiority offer the rest. Gaahl disapproves of this and since everyone was not able to follow he decided to go silent and give everyone some quality quiet time so that they can do some thinking. I know for many this was the first time in their live that they had to think about anything and the experience was a bit overwhelming.

If you are one of the extremely thick people which most of you certainly are. You can view a more in depth explanation of Gaahls silence which can even enlighten the most brain dead amongst you.

The silence of Gaahl explained for extra dumb people

The silence of Gaahl full length Video

Meditate to that for 57 minutes.

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